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Wet Paint Brush Storage Systems & Accessories

Paint Brush Storage in Leeds

Paint Brush Storage in LeedsSay good-bye to problems of paint brush storage in Leeds with the smart, simple system from Brush Mate. We are the trading arm of Gordon Products, a half-century old firm with expertise in a range of wire and manufactured metal products. Our Brush Mate paint cleaning and storage system has proved to be a boon for both DIY enthusiasts and professional painters. The Trade 20 is suitable for professionals, while the Trade 4+ is the perfect choice for hobbyists and DIY-ers. This system can store your wet brushes for any length of time and still have them ready for use whenever they’re needed. The brushes are suspended in a special vapour and not a liquid so you can avoid the problem of bent bristles and rusting of the ferrules. Why waste time cleaning brushes every time you take a break and why risk damaging brushes through temporary cleaning measures?

For artists in Leeds, paint brush storage is a perennial problem for most painters because the painting job may take longer than a day. Traditionally, paintbrushes are soaked in jars of water or turpentine to prevent paint from hardening on the bristles. Once the job is done, the painter has to spend hours cleaning the brushes thoroughly with solvents to get them ready for the next project. At the end of a long day’s work, this isn’t a chore that you want to do.  Paintbrushes are expensive, whether you use oil paints, shellac or emulsion and getting new ones for every job isn’t economical. Additionally, painters have their favourite brushes for different types of work and getting an exact replacement can be difficult. Premium quality brushes can last through a great number of jobs and that’s why in Leeds paint brush storage systems are of vital importance.

The Brush Mate paint brush storage system in Leeds and across the UK is the perfect solution. Getting your brush free of paint, with the bristles soft and flexible can be a time consuming job. For more information about our paint brush storage system, contact Brush Mate. We also have the complete range of accessories and spares in case you need repairs.