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Wet Paint Brush Storage Systems & Accessories

How Do You Keep Paint Brushes Pointed?

How Do You Keep Paint Brushes Pointed?As a painter do you often wonder, “How do you keep paint brushes pointed?Professional painters, hobbyists and interior décor specialists understand the importance of a well-cared for paintbrush. Good quality brushes are expensive and may not always be readily available. Hence, painters usually have their favourite brushes. As such, if they get damage, they may not be easy to replace. That’s why it’s essential to take good care of your paintbrushes. We have developed a unique and totally effective storage and cleaning system for paint brushes. Moreover, it keeps your brushes soft, clean and ready for use every time. The wet paint brush storage system is designed for oil based paints and varnishes. So, you can purchase Brush Mate systems based on your requirements.

If you use our system, someone is sure to ask you “How do you keep paint brushes pointed?” The answer is simple. This system is housed in a convenient carrier with handles for easy transportation. It works on the basis of vapour rather than liquids. Further, you can store up to 20 paint brushes. Leave the wet brushes in the container overnight and the next morning you have fresh brushes to start your work. There’s no mess, risk of spillage or damage. To keep your brushes in shape, you can follow a few tricks and tips. Ensure that you don’t get paint on the ferrule while painting. This can damage the ferrule metal or rust it. As such, once paint gets into the ferrule, it’s not easy to get it out. It hardens inside and makes the bristles stiff and broom-like.

If you’re looking for answers on “How do you keep paint brushes pointed?” you’re in the right place here. Hence, letting paint dry on your brushes is the best way to damage them. We have several decades experience in this sector. Our clients include professional painters and DIY enthusiasts. Contact Brush Mate for more information. You can use a different brush for different types of work. Thus, don’t damage your fine brushes with too much area to cover for too long. Moreover, while storing your brushes, it’s important to protect the tip so that you get the perfect finish.